Virtual Services
Clinicians at the Beacon Centre recognize that virtual services can be valuable and effective for many clients, including rural and remote clients; rotational and shift workers as well as special populations (e.g., postpartum clients, individuals with chronic illnesses, health professionals).
All our clinicians can offer virtual services. We also have several clinicians whose primary practice is to offer virtual services, including Dr. Leah Puddester, Dr. Caroline Barnes, Dr. Heather McLean, and Dr. Stacy Smith. We are also able to offer psychological assessments which can blend in-person and virtual services, which can cut down on the travel costs and time associated with assessment.
Virtual services are offered through our OWL platform, which is a specialized, PHIA compliant video therapy platform designed for Canadian mental health professionals. It is safe and easy to use, and we support clients in setting up this process. Virtual services are covered by most private insurances and are supported by our current EFAP contracts include Eastern Health, NLTA, NL Power, Veterans Affairs Canada, RNC/RCMP, Canadian Armed Forces and the Provincial Government.
To book a virtual appointment, or to learn more information, please complete our referral form or email intake@beaconcentre.ca.
To log into your virtual session:
In your appointment confirmation email from Owl Practice, please click the link to sign-in to the Client Portal. Your account will be set up with a username and password that was emailed to you when you confirmed your session. Once you are signed into the portal, you can click on Account and you can access the session. If you are having any difficulty accessing your session, please email your clinician directly.